What a great day it was yesterday for New Labour and this country. I was so pleased when I heard that Gordon had given a Cabinet job to Yvette Cooper, alongside her husband, the formidable Ed Balls. This was a hugely historic moment: never before in modern Western civilization have a husband and wife served together in Government. Unexpected and wonderful things just keep happening under Gordon Brown. It’s sometimes difficult to take it all in. There is also the delicious irony that Ed and Yvette’s meteoric rise contrasts markedly with the ailing fortunes of the Tories’ own married couple: Neil and Christine Hamilton. Here’s a poem on the subject.
Neil Hamilton did not think of it well
When called a Nazi thug by Panorama.
‘I’ll sue the BBC,’ thus he did yell,
And then there followed quite a courtroom drama.
But then in ‘97 Martin Bell
Beat him in Tatton, some might call it karma.
And Christine we must not lose sight of her. Oh
How on TV she flirts with Louis Theroux.
Meanwhile Ed Balls, great Gordon’s right-hand man,
As cunning, quick and brilliant as ever
Exposed the Tories’ Tax Commission’s plan
For 20 billion pounds of cuts, how clever!
And Tories wept for they knew to a man
They'd not return to office now, no never.
And Yvette none of Ed’s fine talent lacks:
She introduced Home Information Packs.
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