Friday, 18 January 2008

Neil was right all along.

You can’t blame David Miliband – his father was a great Marxist philosopher and David’s clearly doing the best with the hand he’s been dealt – but this unseemly spat with the great nation of Russia must break the heart of every self-respecting Labour MP and supporter. Russia is a proud, ancient, civilised nation, yet throughout the 1980s Britain went out of its way to stockpile nuclear weapons of death and point them at its brave and kindly people. We antagonised and alienated a country that should now be a good friend. How ironic too that the regime we sided with in the ‘Cold War’, the USA, should drag us into the violence and horror that is Iraq. And can you imagine the despair Neil Kinnock is feeling right now? He realized we allied ourselves with the wrong lot and was vilified for his troubles, but now his own family is suffering because of decisions made by other, lesser politicians. Of course, we all know who’s ultimately to blame for all this: Thatcher. Her grovelling to Reagan left a wicked legacy that is still doing us immeasurably damage to this day. Thatcher may have died politically years ago, but her ghost will continue to haunt us for years to come.

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