I see that Iain Dale was whinging this morning about this excellent piece on Labourhome where the author rightly slams the treacherous Martin Bright for his scurrilous and harmful attacks on Ken Livingstone. ‘[T]hat someone from the country's leading left-of-centre magazine should call for Labour to lose London has left me furious. I can't be the only one.’ Indeed not. I too am outraged. What is most depressing is that Bright fails to extend to Ken exactly the sort of support and loyalty that Ken himself has unfalteringly given to his comrades on the left and in the Labour Party over his entire career. Can you imagine Ken indulging in behaviour that would damage Labour? Can you imagine Ken pursuing a course of action that would scupper the chances of a Labour mayoral candidate from taking office? Of course not – the very idea is fanciful. Ken can be proud of he unflinching support he has given his party; Bright should hang his head in shame.
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