To celebrate the fact that Gordon and Alistair have solved the problem of Northern Rock I’ve a written a sonnet on the incident. What an excellent day it’s been. The whole country should rejoice.
The Northern Rock, by all of us adored.
It offered many a generous rate of loan,
But woe, its shares did plummet like a stone
Once that the subprime crisis hit, Good Lord!
And into branches worried savers poured,
And opposition cynically did moan:
‘Administration’ Osborne did intone.
‘Nationalize this bank!’ Vince Cable roared.
But Gordon Brown – courageous, clever, calm –
Ordered financial aid from Mervyn King.
Then Gordon utilized his awesome charm
To woo Sir Richard Branson in Beijing.
And we taxpayers now were free from harm.
‘The Nothern Rock is saved!’ we all did sing.
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