Thursday, 3 January 2008

Shaun Woodward - is the end in sight?

Oh woe, oh woe. A nasty rumour is circulating that star New Labour MP Shaun Woodward is about to be sacked from Government. Shaun, you may remember, crossed the floor to New Labour when the Tories became a contemptible rump of bigots and homophobes under William Hague. Shaun was in many ways a proto-Quentin Davies: an old-school Conservative of courage, decency and principle who could no longer remain in the nasty party. Both men saw the tolerance, warmth and liberalism of New Labour as their destiny and never looked back. Although Shaun’s defection did not create the political earthquake that Quentin’s did it still deserves its footnote in history. So Shaun, if you are given your marching orders please don’t be too dismayed. The New Labour project will continue without you, and we are so replete with talent that any number of people can fill your shoes. So chin up and thank you. You have done your bit and can be most pleased with your contribution.


Anonymous said...

My Goodness, aren't you a sad fool?

You can't see which way the wind is blowing, can you?

Labour are finally finished, completely and utterly (thank God) and they will never find another Blair to spin them out of oblivion.

Brown is the new Foot (although Michael Foot was at least decent, honorable, kind man with real principles).

Yet you insist on keeping up this feeble bleating from beyond the political grave.

You are, truly, the nearest thing to a Dead Sheep in the Blogoshphere.

Happy New Year!


p.s your epitaph will be


Anonymous said...


You powers of irony and sarcasm were to much for me! I fell for it!

Norman :(