He's amazing, that Gordon Brown. Not content with stepping in to bring Benazir Bhutto's assassins to justice, he's now brokering peace between the warring factions in Kenya. Come on World! We elected him, so can’t we have a bit of Gordon’s magic from time to time? We’ve got a burning hospital that needs his attention. I’m joking of course: for all the great things he’s doing in the rest of the world Gordon would never forget the people back home in Blighty who treasure him so much. Here’s a poem on this very subject:
General Musharraf, racked with fear
Said, ‘This situation’s quite severe
As Benazir has been exploded
And my prestige is quite eroded!’
Blessed with a bewitching smile
Gordon travelled many a mile
And said, ‘Despite the chaos wrought
I will see those killers caught.’
And all of Pakistan did hail his name!
Mr Odinga and Kibaki
Said, ‘Our situation's tacky
With people getting beaten flat
And looting, riots and all that.’
Blessed with a bewitching smile
Gordon travelled many a mile
And said, ‘I’ll see these riots cease
By brokering a lasting peace.’
And all through Kenya then did spread his fame!
Meanwhile in Blightly, things weren’t right:
A hospital was burning bright
And all sick people wondered how
They would get their treatment now.
Blessed with a bewitching smile
Gordon travelled many a mile
And said, ‘Fear not O frail and sick.
We will rebuild it brick by brick.’
And all knew Gordon was top of his game!
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