Thursday, 10 January 2008

Peter Hain's great nature.

One can feel nothing but the deepest sympathy for Peter Hain over this sad business of his undeclared donations. It is clear from this piece by the BBC that the responsibility lies not with Peter but the useless administrators he employed in his office. Now, if Peter were a cold, nasty, exploitative, ruthless Tory he would doubtless have sacked these employees at the first sign of their incompetence and saved himself all this bother. However, all Labour MPs are good people. They despise the scourge of unemployment and would never condemn someone to the dole queue even in the most extreme circumstances. I suspect Peter gave these nincompoops on his staff chance after chance to get things right, but on each occasion they threw his good will back in his face and continued their deplorable bungling. Instead of condemning Peter we should be celebrating the fact that we have a man of such patience and forgiveness in public life. Peter Hain is the victim of his own impeccable nature.

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