Probably the most disturbing political story for decades has come to light today. Far-right Tory MEP Daniel Hannan has stated that all the members of the European Parliament are Nazis and has likened its work to the 1933 Enabling Act, which brought Hitler to power. It is a shocking state of affairs. Now, normally I’m colourful and robust in my criticisms, but an incident of such breathtaking seriousness as this needs to be dealt with cool headedness and care. This is not the time for opportunistic point scoring, misrepresenting the comments of others, crude generalizations or irresponsible exaggeration; it is the time for mature reflection and sober language. The last person to make controversial remarks about the Nazis, David Irving, was imprisoned, and I believe Hannan should face the same fate for his despicable utterances. As for David Cameron: it is becoming apparent that a vote for Labour at the next General Election will do as much against the dark forces of the extreme right as did signing up to fight against Hitler in 1939.
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