Wednesday 6 February 2008

Five reasons why PMQs should be abolished – versified.

Mike Smithson at asks if Gordon could abolish PMQs. I think it should be abolished, and here’s five reasons why – in verse!

When Gordon is demolishing Dave Cameron,
He’s so enthused it makes him put a stammer on.
But cruel right-wingers said that this already meant
Gordon had cracked and got a speech impediment.

Though silent Labour members sweetly smile;
The rattled Tories scream and shout much bile.
Such antics by the Tories sets, in truth,
A poor example for the nation’s youth.

If Gordon’s statements generate good cheer,
All in the House rejoice and cry ‘Hear, hear!’
This choice of words though makes me apprehensive:
I think the deaf could find the phrase offensive.

Sometimes good Gordon rightly tries to ask
What Dave would do instead – a futile task!
No valid answer does Dave ever state.
Evasiveness is not a pretty trait.

And when Tories bawl and scream like louts
It’s ‘Order, order!’ that the speaker shouts.
Though unintentional, this utt’rance might
Help publicize vile Guido's wicked site.

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