Congratulations to housing minister Caroline Flint, who has said that council-house tenants should be thrown out on the street if they fail to get themselves into gainful employment. Now, some so-called progressives will complain that this lacks compassion. But is it compassionate to allow, say, a three-bedroom house to be occupied by a single work-shy ne’er-do-well when the council could cheaply sell the property on to a buy-to-let specialist, who in turn could quintuple its occupancy by turning the three bedrooms and two receptions into bedsits? There is also the immigrant population to think about. I personally employ an au pair, a cleaner, a cook and several builders from eastern Europe. How can I persuade such people to come over and work for me for a competitive wage if the lower-class dole-addicted natives are hogging the housing stock? Well done Caroline. You’re a beautiful woman and you also have beautiful ideas!
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