Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Ho ho ho!

Why all this fuss about the £50 billion (or whatever it is) emergency Government funding of Northern Rock? I’m sorry, but at this time of year we should know more than at any time that no spending restraints should be put upon decency and kindness. The good folk of the North-East suffered monstrously under Thatcher and the Tories. Gordon and Alistair wouldn’t dream of giving these people another kick in the groin and let them lose their mortgages, their savings and their banking sector employment. Alistair Darling has acted with great courage and skill in regard to this unfortunate affair, and he deserves a Christmas ode in praise of his efforts:

O Christmas, yet again has soon come round.
Bells jingle and much snow is on the ground.
And hark the herald angels up in heaven.
And see Alistair there in No. Eleven.
He flinches not, although the wind doth blow -
His hair as crisp and white as all this snow.
His canny Scottish gaze surveys the scene.
A better Chancellor, nay, there has not been.
A Santa to North-East in his way
And Darling smiles and turns and then does say,
‘O people of the North-East hear me do.
Though Applegarth has flopped that won’t hurt you.
For though Vince Cable gripes and Tories mock
I will not sacrifice the Northern Rock.’
Investors, borrowers now have no fear
And merrily they all dance with Christmas cheer!

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