Gordon Brown shouldn’t be at all disheartened by this recent opinion poll showing his approval rating at a record low. On the contrary, this is very encouraging news for him. Politics isn’t just about being popular. Saying things just to get a round of applause from the masses - the tack of such flim-flam men as David Cameron and Nick Griffin - is opportunism at its most shallow and most base. It is the politician readily prepared to suffer disapprobation - hatred even - rather than cower away from taking necessary decisions who will eventually stand tall. Gordon is this man. Most people would have wilted under these recent attacks and resorted to sticking-plaster fixes and irresponsible short termism. Not Gordon; he knows that if he stands firm, trusts his awesome intellect and is judged favourably not by tomorrow’s papers but by history then everything will turn good in the end - not just for him but for all of us. Gordon may not be popular at the moment, but that says to me that he must be doing everything right.
I won't be posting again until the New Year, so - even to Tories - have a merry Christmas!