Thursday, 13 March 2008

A poem for Budget Day.

Darling produced a budget of great skill,
And used the word ‘stability’ a lot.
But then the atmosphere turned somewhat ill
When Dave claimed mighty Ed had said ‘So what?’
With rage this vile untruth did my heart fill –
Good Ed had said ‘So weak’ you stupid clot!
Sad that a man who wants to rule our nation
Should seek advantage from a misquotation.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Quite a good egg, Nick Clegg.

I don’t normally have much time for the Liberal Democrats, but what splendid day it’s been for them. Their courageous leader Nick Clegg has shown impeccable judgement by joining with Gordon to defeat the Tories’ swivel-eyed, xenophobic and anti-European amendment to the Lisbon Treaty. This is a glorious day for the authority of Gordon, Parliament and democracy. Thank you for being part of it Nick. Here’s a sonnet in you honour:

An arsonist convicted is Nick Clegg,
But please don’t think that means he is a loon.
He was an MEP, then very soon
Became the candidate for the impreg-
Nable seat of Sheff. Hallam – a good egg!
And all the Orange Bookers they did swoon.
Though he was dubbed ‘Calamity’ by Huhne,
On this to differ I would have to beg.
Then came that wicked Euro-sceptic Dave.
To wreck the Lisbon Treaty Dave was straining.
But Nick joined Gord – the Treaty they would save!
He three-line-whipped his troops into abstaining,
And happy Gordon smiled with his white teeth.
(Though they resigned – Carmichael, Farron, Heath)